Judah had his first ever preschool program this past Monday night. The theme was "Down on the Farm" and Judah's age group, the toddlers, were scarecrows. They were ADORABLE! This is the first year that the toddlers have been in our spring show and it was well worth the wait...they were so precious. My class, the 4 year olds, were cowboys/cowgirls and they did great too! Here are some pictures of Judah of course...

My poor baby was the only one in the whole show that fell off the risers...not just once but TWICE! :-) He was not happy about it after the second time...

He lost his balance the first time and then not 2 minutes later a friend above him lost her balance and knocked him off again. He was such a trooper though...the first time Ms Pam put him back up there and he was great; the second time his lip was quivering but she was able to talk him down and he was fine again! I caught it all on video and it was fantastic...so cute and funny!

Ms Pam, Elijah, me and Judah after the show..I think the boys are tired of pictures :-)

Being silly with mom and dad

Nana & Grangoat drove a whole hour just to see him

And I must introduce you to his wonderful, wonderful teachers. This is Ms Pam - she was his main teacher at his table. He adores her and as you can tell, she adores him as well. We could not have asked for better teachers this year. I barely even knew who she was at the beginning of the school year and now she is one of my dearest friends, her son Jace & Judah are the sweetest buddies and she is part of our adoption story...I will tell that story on here one day. God just truly blessed all of us by placing Judah in her classroom.

This is sweet Ms Jennifer. I am so thankful to know her and call her friend. Judah just loved her as well and called her "fiffer". I love it. This picture is from our last day of school on Thursday. I am so sad that Judah's time with her has come to an end. She is a wonderful teacher & person!
And sweet Ms Mildred stepped in when this classroom needed it most. After Dawna's death, Mildred came in to love on all of her babies the last few weeks of school. Judah already knew her from church and she has subbed in his class before. Thank you for loving on my Judah!
I think Dawna's death brought all of the staff closer together...it was an emotional way to end the year and very difficult at times. We, the teachers, all miss her presence there, and the babies in her classroom miss her terribly. Judah still asks about her sometimes and when he sees her picture on my refrigerator he says her name. Her babies knew that she loved them and I am so thankful Judah was blessed to have her as his teacher. I just wish I had gotten a picture of them together...she passed away the day they were doing teacher & me pictures for their me books. Thank you Dawna for loving on my baby the way that you did...I will never forget it!
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