Daddy is helping coach this year...Judah likes to help him. :-)

He also loves playing with his Uncle Brad at the games too!

Elijah is now an author! The kindergarten classes had a publishing party a couple of weeks ago to present their books and be recognized as authors! It was really cute and Elijah was very proud.
It is a book of poems and is titled "Just Believe in Yourself". His teacher told me that his title was her favorite of all of her class. Most of them were just titles like, "My Poems" or "A Book of Poems" or something like that. I thought that his was just precious and so is he.
He is so grown up! I can't believe he will be 6 years old on Thursday!
Just a sweet picture of Elijah reading to his baby brother. He is a really great reader!
Last week we finally went to the zoo for the first time this year. I decided to get a zoo pass so that we can go anytime we want...I am super excited about it! Pam and Jace joined us for the day...the boys had a great time and we can't wait to go back again!
Mother's Day was pathetic this year....not Jason's fault. I got a stomach bug and threw up all night Saturday night, then slept all day on Sunday. It was NOT fun. However, the boys made me sweet cards and got me a gift. Elijah also hand colored me a spatula at church. When I opened it, he said "Yeah, I made it just for you so you can spank Judah with it!" Good thinking Elijah...way to look out for your brother. :-) I love my boys and am so blessed to be their mommy! Jason and I are also blessed to have great mothers as well.
Next posts coming up will be for Elijah's birthday! Have a great week!
1 comment:
So funny that Elijah's first thought of a spatula was that it's for spanking. He was probably wondering why on earth the Sunday school teacher wanted him to decorate it.
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