Saturday, September 24, 2011

busting out the pumpkins

I've looked a lot like my sweet dog Amos for the past 3 days.

Lying around pathetic thinking, Why me?

If you don't know anyone who has had strep twice in 3 weeks time -
now you do! I was the ever so lucky one! :-)

In an effort to break out of my jail cell (ie, the house), we decided to enjoy today by...

Gearing up for the Aggie football game - WHOOP!!!

Then we headed to the Farmer's Market where we pick out our pumpkins each year.

It's a little earlier than we usually go, but I was ready to bust out the pumpkins!

And get out of the house.

Not sure which I was ready to do more.

I love this Farmer's Market. They have such fresh fruits & veggies.
And we always buy some local honey.

They also have cute photo spots for my first fall pictures of the year.

We had a blast!

It's pumpkin season!!!

1 comment:

Dan and Chrissy said...

Hi Summer! Thanks for the post : ) We share the same wait list date... you are right, we could be traveling together!! : ) It's so great to see things moving again! Looking forward to reading all about your referral call... and sharing the details of ours!! ~Chrissy