Finally...our internet has been down all week. What we ever did before we had the internet, I don't know. :-) Here are Judah's birthday party pictures...
Isn't he the cutest one year old you've ever seen?!?! Cute as a bug, that is.
The decorations
The caterpillar cake (that I made)...excuse me while I brag. :-)
The birthday boy showing off his new found walking skills
Opening presents -he loved his monkey bean bag chair!
Elijah was such a big helper...for some reason I think he thought all of the presents were for him. :-)
Singing "Happy Birthday to You"!
Mmmmm, cake!!!
This cake tastes pretty good!
Cleaning up after the cake made a big mess!!!
There were so many cute pictures, it was hard to choose. I hope this gives you an idea of what a great time he was a perfect first birthday party for our special guy!
Here is a video of him walking. He really started to get the hang of it about two days before his birthday, and has been walking more and more ever since.
I also added the video of us singing Happy Birthday to Judah.
It looks like everyone had a good time. You did a great job on the cake.
Seriously? I can not believe its already been a year!
His cake was very cute and he walking is great he is going to be all over the place soon. I can't get Chloe to stop walking so watch out lol.
Love the cake!!! --Steph
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