We have had SO MANY activities going on lately. Here is Elijah's preschool graduation from last Monday. It was precious and made me tear up a little. Hey, that's better than the ugly cry that I thought was going to happen. :-)
Singing "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "God Bless America"

This is what got me...singing and sign language to "Create In Me"...SIGH

Telling the audience what he wants to be when he grows up...any guesses as to what he said? He surprised his daddy and I by saying "a race car driver".

Getting his diploma and tassle turned

With Nana & Grangoat

With Kaki and Andrew

With his proud parents

And of course with his baby brother

We were so proud of him! This has really been a little too much for this mommy to take lately. My baby turned 1, Elijah graduated preschool and then turned 5. I'm surprised I'm not in a mental institution for the emotionally unstable by now!
The next time you see a graduation cap will be Jason in August - WOOHOO!!!
I am certain to display the ugly cry when Levi graduates from preschool. Way to go, Elijah!
I haven't kept up with you very well the last couple of weeks! Congrats to Elijah!!! I was just telling Craig last night that we need to start planning our August trip to Ft. Worth for Jason's graduation!!! --Steph
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