When you were in my tummy, I remember that you got the hiccups A LOT. This was a picture from the day we found out that we were expecting a BOY! Mommy & Daddy both had a feeling that you were a boy, and we were so excited to get everything ready for you.

This is mommy when I was 26 weeks pregnant with you...I loved feeling you move around and kick...you were a very active little boy.

Elijah Mabry Cox
You were born on May 13, 2004 at 12:52 p.m after about 12 hours of labor. You weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and were 19 inches long.One of the most amazing days of my entire life...I was a mom and you were perfect to your daddy and me. We named you Elijah, which means "The Lord is my God" and your middle name Mabry, after your great-grandfather who your daddy loves so much.

A few hours after you were born you got very sick and stopped breathing. They rushed you to the NICU and thus began the scariest 8 days of our lives. We found out that you had a blood clotting disorder that caused a stroke in your brain in-utero. We were so frightened but prayed that God would heal you and He did. You are our little miracle and we have always tried our best not to take you or your health for granted.

This is one of the first times I got to hold you after you were taken to the NICU. It was several days later, but felt like an eternity. I was so happy to have you in my arms at last.

You were a very content, happy and easy going baby. You ate good, slept great and were always smiling. This is you in Nov 2004 at 6 months old. I loved your chubby cheeks.

We celebrated your first birthday at Oakhurst Park by our house with lots of friends and family. The scary days of you being in the NICU were still fresh on our minds and we wanted everyone we knew to celebrate with us your first year of life!
You started walking at 14 1/2 months, loved bananas, long naps and your pacifier. We found out that you had a milk allergy and started you on soy milk. You still drink it today, and know that it's your "special" milk.
Your second birthday was at Nana & Grangoat's house and was a firetruck theme, complete with a visit from a real firetruck. You were obsessed with firetrucks. When we lived on Sylvania at this time, we were right across the street from the firehouse. Every day when you heard the siren, I would scoop you up and run to the front window so we could watch the firetruck go by. Your face always lit up with a big smile when you saw it.

You learned to use the potty just a few weeks after your second birthday. Later that year, you started preschool twice a week and you also moved into a big boy bed. We moved from our house on Sylvania to our current house, and you missed the firetrucks.
We had your third birthday at our house on Cinco de Mayo. It was a Mexican theme with Curious George, your favorite.
We had your party early that year because we took you on a very special 2 1/2 week trip to Thailand just a few days after your party. You LOVED flying in the airplanes and still talk about that trip today. One thing about you Elijah...you don't EVER forget anything. You remember so many things from when you were very young.
This year we said goodbye to your pacifier, and this was also the year that you became a big brother.
Your fourth birthday party was at Trinity Park and was a Superman theme. You had only been a big brother for about 3 weeks but I could already tell what an awesome big brother you were going to be.
You loved school, playing with friends & cousins, riding your bicycle, being outside, asking me an endless list of questions, helping me with Judah, reading books, watching Curious George & Caillou, playing computer games, playing t-ball, swimming, pancakes, pretending to be a superhero and Star Wars, just to name a few.
Today you are five. Mommy & Daddy can't believe it. We will celebrate your birthday on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese with a Star Wars cake. Five of your favorite friends are coming. We have had a great birth day with you today though. Daddy took off work just so he could spend the day with you.
We sang Happy Birthday to you while you blew out the candles on your blueberry muffin.
We watched while you excitedly opened your Batman costume. You have been asking for one for months and we were so excited to give it to you!
Then we surprised you and took you to the zoo, which you have also been asking to do for quite some time. We had so much fun, and it was Judah's first time at the zoo.
You really liked the lion.
And Mommy really liked the flamingos.
You have so much to look forward to this year...Kindergarten, swim lessons, soccer, maybe you'll lose your first tooth and learn to ride your bike without training wheels. I just can't believe how big you are getting. Daddy and I are so proud of you, we love you and always pray that you will love God with all of your heart, soul and mind above everything else. We can't wait to see what He does with your persistence, compassion and love for life.
Happy 5th Birthday, Elijah! We love you!
happy b-day elijah! i remember the day you were born too...very exciting. i quickly got a substitute teacher and rushed out of school to make it to the hospital just in time. i can't believe that was 5 years ago! have fun at chuck e cheese on saturday!
I can't believe you have a five year old! This is such a sweet photo and it was fun to see the photos from over the years.
P.S. To change the post date, go to edit the post, then at the bottom I think there is a link that says something like "Post options". When you click that, there are options to set the date and time of the post.
We knew he would be great, but I don't think we could have guessed 5 years ago what a sweet blessing he would be to all of us. We love you Elijah! And Mom, you did a great job capturing special moments throught the years.
Nana & Grangoat
What a sweet post1 Amiya (my oldest) turned 8 the day before Elijah's b-day. They grow fast. You are such a good, sweet momma.
(This is Alisha's sister.)
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