Tomorrow is Elijah's big first day of kindergarten, so I am going to fly through these pictures real fast of our trip. Pictures of the first day to come tomorrow.
The first thing we did at Sea World was feed the dolphins. Mommy's absolute favorite - I LOVE dolphins if you didn't know. :-) Elijah wasn't too sure about it so we didn't get a good picture of him.

Judah is checking them out:

The first show we saw had sea lions, otters and this big fat walrus - yikes!

The Shamu show ROCKS - it is so awesome! We all loved it...everyone except Judah when Shamu got us all wet with her tail. We were soaked in cold, salt water and the Bug was not happy about it at all. Otherwise, he loved watching all the shows!

So cool...this was my dream job growing up.

Me and the boys outside the show after we were soaked by Shamu.

Elijah was fearless, and was hacked when he was too small for a ride (read: the very large roller coasters). I mean hacked, he really wanted to do them and if he could have, he definitely would have. That was NOT me when I was little.
This is Journey to Atlantis in backwards order. He loved it!

The fearless duo coming off the ride - I rode it with him later and I mean it REALLY dropped your stomach bad. I can't believe he wanted to do it again.

Jason and Elijah on the log ride.

Me and Judah on the log ride. Got another fearless one I think. I can't believe he was big enough to ride this, but he loved it!

And this is just one of two large hills that we went down - I was more scared FOR Judah than he was himself.

Elijah playing in one of many water areas. I didn't get any pictures of the large water park we spent half a day at in Sea World (too wet), but it was a lot of fun.

Judah sucking his finger in the double stroller.

Judah sucking on a bottle at the dolphin show.

Random pictures here. But after our first day at Sea World, Jason and Elijah went to Cowboys Training Camp the first half of the second day. They had a good time.

Our family of four at the main entrance.

We watched a 4-D pirate movie - cool glasses! Judah did not like it when the water sprayed us from the seats.

Waiting for daddy while he rode this big roller coaster - one of the ones Elijah was hacked that he couldn't ride.

Chillin' with the Sea World mug.

That night we met Jason's sister Lauren and her fiancee Matt on the Riverwalk to eat Mexican food. They just happened to be in San An the same day...weird.

Aunt Laur-Laur and Uncle Matt with E

Lauren made lots of tortilla faces, like this one:

Great trip, we had a great time but were exhausted and glad to be back home. Sorry for the short recap but I'm off to bed so I can be ready for some kindergartener in the morning. :-)