Elijah as a baby and presently with his baby brother.

Judah has got to be at one of the most fun ages ever - I love it! He talks & babbles non-stop in his own little language. It is hilarious, and he is so serious about it - he's got the inflections down and everything. He doesn't say that many real words though - right now he's got the word "out" down and he does a few signs. Other than that, not much else. For a while he said "bye bye", "mama" and "dada" but now he's not interested. I think brother does most of the talking for him. :-) Here he is being himself.
Elijah is such a sweetie pie. He likes to sing for the camera every now and then. I think when I get the camera out to catch Judah doing something new he wants in on the action - hey, I'll take it! The last song he sings is the books of the New Testament. He learned that in preschool and worked really hard on it - he messes up a little bit but overall it's adorable.
love it!! Tell Elijah good job on his New Testament books. Love you, boys!
They are both precious - as usual!
Love you!
they are both so stinkin cute!! i love when elijah says "this one is long so that means i have to buckle this belt", hahaha! he is such a stinker-tato-off! ;-)
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