Monday, August 10, 2009

Future Olympic Gold Medalist

UPDATED: Pictures of Elijah with swim teacher, Mr. Brad and his good friend Ellie.

Elijah is doing SO GOOD in swim lessons. He finishes up next week, but just watch this boy swim the entire length of the pool! I think we may have the next Michael Phelps on our hands. :-)

Bonus video for family - very cute of the boys playing together.


Sonrise Church said...

Way to go Elijah! Good job!
We were watching a home video last weekend of Jason & Brad playing a similar game with Lauren when she was about Judah's age. My how time flies!

Kaki said...

Awesome, Elijah!!! I am so proud of you. I want to go watch you at swim lessons when I get home. Judah wants to be just like his big brother already. He will always want to be just like you!
I love you both!