I can't believe that tomorrow will mark 3 weeks home for Evie. Things are going really well. I am physically tired and tired of being cooped up in the house most of the time, but things are great! I feel like attachment and bonding are moving right along and it seems like she's just meant for our family. We love her to pieces. Of course everything is not perfect. She is a girl which equals drama and she is very good at throwing fits when she doesn't get her way! :-) But that is so minor because she is eating well and sleeping well and wants me to hold her all the time - all good things! She has gained weight since she got home and gotten two shots which completely catches her up! Here are some pictures from the week!
Is there anything cuter than a clean baby in footie pajamas?!?!?
And just check out those beautiful curls! They have gotten longer since she got home.
She can make a MESS at mealtimes!!!
She went for her first ride in a swing and loved it!
She loves bathtime! Yes, we have her in laundry basket so she doesn't slip and hit her head. A friend suggested that and I thought it was a genius idea!
This is what we call her "stinkeye" and we see it quite frequently!
I also took Evie on the last day of school for a quick visit to meet my preschool class. They were so cute and excited and asked me a lot of questions! Judah also got to show her off to his class.
She is a ham and just loved the attention!
The boys have been busy as well, I just haven't captured a lot of photos lately. Last night they went to a Ranger's game with their Daddy and a friend. They had a lot of fun!
Judah is done with preschool now, Elijah just finished up his soccer season and has 2 more weeks of school before summertime - can't wait!!! We've been to birthday parties and helped with our big Orphan Sunday at our church this past weekend. So excited that this is now an annual event! Jason and I are taking turns staying with Evie. We've had a lot of visitors to meet her and meals delivered to our house, which we are so grateful for! We are just in awe that this is now our life and she is home forever. God is so good and so faithful. More later.
Summer...these pictures are so great, and I am so happy for your little family. Evie is SUCH a lucky girl to be a part of it. God bless you all!
Love it. She is beautiful, just like the rest of your family.
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