Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh Where Are the Passports?

Oh where are the passports? Oh where are the passports? Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wheeeeeeere...are the passports? We leave for Thailand on Friday and we still do not have Summer & Elijah's passports which we applied for in February. Dealing with the passport people at the Department of State has been one of the most frustrating experiences of my entire life. Every time we call we are told something different and no one can guarantee us that they will be here on time. It looks like we will be taking a road trip to Houston this evening so we can try to get them from the regional office. We ask that everyone please be praying over this situation. I've attached a countdown until our plane is supposed to leave in the sidebar so we can see how much time we had to spare when we do have them in hand. We'll be sure and post something letting everyone know when we have them. Thanks for the prayers! - J

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