Monday, August 24, 2009

Watch this Kindergarten Video

There are first day pictures below this, so check them out!

The first day was a big success! Elijah had a lot of fun and had a lot to say about everything. His teacher said that he had a great day too! I just hope his enthusiasm continues for 9 more months... :-)


Sonrise Church said...

You are just really trying to make Nana cry.....:)

Anonymous said...

That made me cry! My nephew "Jackson" also started kindergarten yesterday. I don't know how you got through it. I cried just imagining Sydney going 4 years from now!

Rob and Lynda said...

Summer, what a great memory you've made of Elijah's first day. I am in denial that Levi will ever go off to school. Did I tell you we're thinking of homeschooling? It's for other (legitimate) reasons, but now I'm realizing that I might not have to let him go during the day. Selfish, I know...