Riding on the train:
Getting ready for the show to start - SO excited! I wish I had captured their (especially Judah's) faces when the characters started to come out and Buzz Lightyear flew onto the skating rink, WOW! They were in awe and pure amazement I think!
Here are a few of the actual show. Buzz with the aliens:
Some of the main characters with Buzz:
Lotso the Bear - seriously, how these people ice skate in these costumes is beyond me. I would be flat on my face!
You've gotta make this picture bigger and check out Barbie (on the far left) and Ken (on the far right). They were hilarious and really do look plastic!
Woody and Jessie with Mickey Mouse at the end:
It was a great show, and here they are on the ride back on the train:
And nothing new to report on the adoption front, except that I jump every time the phone rings! Okay not literally, but my heart jumps every. single. time. I know our time is coming...we can't wait to share that story with all of you when the day comes that we {FINALLY} find out about our daughter. AAAAHHHHH!!!
We were glad you guys got to come with us. I was really impressed with the show -- and how well the kids did at the show.
Seriously, every post title makes me think you've gotten your child!! EVERY. POST. Then I remember that you're going more crazy than I am and I take a deep breath and say to myself, "Maybe the next post will be THE post!" (although I'd better get at least a text when you find out!!) Can't wait!
Patience, patience......all in God's time!! What a GREAT weekend - savor these times. Love you, Mom
J & S, your blog is cool...finally checked it out today. Your story and pictures of the Toy Story 3 trip were great! I'm praying for you and THE phone call. God's timing is perfect, and I pray it's today or very soon for your sake and your daughter's, too.
All in Christ,
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