Okay, so MY plan was that I would not be writing about 10 months on the wait list.
I have my plan and God has HIS. His is ALWAYS better.
That is not to say that we are not sad and frustrated...because we are. We were told this week to expect 3 more months of waiting before a referral. NOT what we wanted to hear, but we are adjusting...it is very hard. Again, God has HIS plan and I have mine. Our hope is in HIM and not in our adoption agency or the Ethiopian government. His timing is going to lead us right to the child that He's had planned for us from the beginning of time. I'm okay with THAT. :-) But this was very refreshing for me to read anyways: http://itsalmostnaptime.blogspot.com/2011/04/word-to-my-sisters-and-brothers.html
She is constantly on all of our minds. Just yesterday as I was shopping at Target for a baby shower gift, I stumbled across this on the clearance rack.
And my wonderfully talented sister-in-law, Lauren, and her husband Matt WROTE and ILLUSTRATED this beautiful book for our baby girl. Like I said, she's on everybody's mind.
It is PRECIOUS! I mean just look at the pictures...I wish I could put the whole book on here for you to see and read. Thank you again Aunt Laur-Laur and Uncle Matt! She is gonna be so lucky to have both of you in her life!
Hopefully 10 months from NOW, she'll be cuddled up in my lap while I read her this book.
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